#e <t>design<d>1908<n>Model T introduced<au>Henry Ford<info>By 1912 there were 7,000 Ford dealers across the U.S. The Model T line closed in 1927, by which time 15 million had been made. The Model A was introduced in 1927.
#p <nat>American<o>inventor<n>Thomas Edison<b>1847 Feb 11<d>1931
#p <nat>American<o>inventor<n>Alexander Graham Bell<b>1847 Mar 3<d>1922
#e <t>inv<d>1888<n>ballpoint pen<c>U.S.<info>by John Loud
#e <t>inv<d>1899 Mar<n>cross-Channel radio<c>English Channel<au>Marconi<info>The first wireless telegraph message across the English Channel was sent by Marconi in March 1899.
// 20th century
#e <t>inv<d>1901 Dec 12<n>transatlantic radio<c>Cornwall<mov>1901 Dec 12<c>Saint John's<au>Marconi<info>Marconi made the first transatlantic radio communication on December 12, 1901, from Cornwall, England, to Saint John's, Newfoundland, where Marconi had set up receiving equipment.
#e <t>flight<d>1903<n>Wright brothers' first flight<c>Kitty Hawk
#e <t>construction<d>1914<n>Panama canal<c>Panama<info>Built and leased by the U.S., it returns to Panamanian sovereignty in 2000.
#e <t>constr<d>1917<n>Mount Wilson telescope<c>Mount Wilson
#e <t>inv<d>1929<n>van de Graaff generator<c>U.S.
#e <t>building<d>1931<n>Empire State Building<c>New York City
#e <t>inv<n>cyclotron<d>1934<info>by E. O. Lawrence and M. S. Livingston
#e <t>collapse<n>Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses<d>1940 Nov 7<c>Tacoma Narrows
#e <t>constr<n>Grand Coulee Dam becomes operational<c>Grand Coulee Dam<d>1941 Mar 22
#e <t>flight<d>1970 Nov 4<n>Concorde exceeds Mach 2<c>Europe
#e <t>inv<n>ENIAC<aka>Electrical Numerical Integrator and Computer<d>1945<c>U.S.<info>The ENIAC was built by John Mauchley and Presper Eckert. It was the first electronic digital computer.
#e <t>inv<n>transistor<d>1948<c>U.S.<info>by Bardeen, Brattain & Schockley at Bell Labs
#e <t>inv<n>integrated cicuit<d>1959<c>U.S.<info>by Noyce & Moore
#e <t>design<d>1964<n>IBM's System/360<c>U.S.
#e <t>inv<d>1964<n>Basic programming language<c>U.S.<info>Basic was written by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz.
#e <t>business<d>1996 Feb<n>Amelio CEO of Apple<c>California<info>Gil Amelio replaces Splindler.
#e <t>business<d>1996 Dec<n>Apple buys NeXT<c>California<info>Apple buys Jobs' company, NeXT Software, for $424 million. Jobs returns to Apple as an advisor.
#e <t>business<d>1997 Jul<n>Jobs interim CEO of Apple<c>California<info>Amelio resigns. Jobs becomes interim CEO.
#e <t>design<d>1977<n>Apple II<c>California<info>Apple releases the Apple II computer.
#e <t>design<d>1984 Jan<n>Macintosh<c>California<info>Apple releases the Macintosh.
#e <t>design<d>1987 Mar<n>Mac SE and Mac II<c>California<info>Apple introduces the Mac SE and Mac II.
#e <t>design<d>1991 Oct<n>PowerBook<c>California<info>Apple launches the PowerBook.
#e <t>design<d>1993 Jan<n>Newton<c>California<info>Apple launches the handheld Newton.
#e <t>design<d>1994 Mar<n>PowerMac<c>California<info>Apple introduces a line of PowerMac computers.
// Microsoft
#p <nat>American<o>entrepreneur<n>Bill Gates<b>1955 Oct 28<c>Washington